Saturday, February 7, 2009

He Can

I can't save you, but he can. I can't heal you, but he can. I can't deliver you, but he can. I can't give you, peace but he can. I can't make everything alright, but he can. I can't map your future, but he can. I can't make you a success, but he can. I can't pay your bills, but he can.

HE CAN and HE WILL if you let him!!!!!!!

The problem is that we get the words backwards in our minds without even realizing it. All too often what we are really saying by our actions is CAN HE?

I just want to remind you that HE CAN?

Who is He? Jesus of course. He can because he has and he is and he will!!!

.......Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come. Revelation 4:8