Monday, July 28, 2008

We're Back!

Hey, we're back. It's been several days since I blogged. I have a lot to get caught up on. Ruthie had to go to the doctor today after battling problems with her left knee and leg since last Wednesday. The doctor alarmed us by suspecting that she might have a blood clot in her left leg and set up a veinous doppler study on her left leg at Sparks Hospital yesterday (Monday afternoon.) Thank the Lord, it wasn't a blood clot but it was a 4-5 inch Baker's Cyst that wrapped around her leg from one side to the other going underneath her knee cap. She has been in excruciating pain for the last several days; actually almost a week now.
In the mean time, we also had a friend from Grace Church in Booneville that went to be with the Lord on Saturday morning after having cancer for some time. We were scheduled to sing at the funeral and the doctor's appointment lasted right up to the funeral time at which time Ruth's sister took her on to Fort Smith for the test. Katie, (our youngest daughter), Grayson, and I then went to the funeral and Katie helped me sing. Grayson and I then rushed to Fort Smith and arrived at the hospital as Ruth, and her sister Rachael, were walking down the hall following the test; which I missed! Ruth told me that she found out what was wrong with her leg and that she would be staying a few days! I said "What's going on?" Then she grinned, and told me she was kidding, and that it was a cyst. She likes to get me like that, ha ha! The news didn't help the pain, but at least a cyst is far less serious than a blood clot. Please pray for her to be relieved of pain and to make a full recovery.

On a funnier note, Grayson fell into the lake the other day when he, I, Katie, and her boyfriend Marco was fishing. He was fishing for perch but was also trying to scoop them up into a net as they were coming close to his hook and line. He leaned over a bit too far and started falling and sort of twisted around and fell almost head first into the lake! I immediately jumped up out of my lawn chair and into the lake and picked him up and set him back up the bank. In the process, he got wet from head to toe and I was wet from the waist down, which included my cell phone!!! Thank the Lord, it started working again the same evening. But most of all, thank the Lord that he wasn't hurt and we can all laugh about it now. Check out this picture of Grayson a couple of summers ago.

In closing be looking for our new website at coming soon! This is an outreach ministry that the Lord has laid on our hearts, which will have several interesting features including devotionals,a prayer requests page, ministry resources and special features such as "Jesus In Shoes". Our vision is to connect with people. We all need connections that provide strength, inspiration, support, and hope. We need Covenant Connections as we bond together as Christ has bonded with the church. We are very excited about it. Ruth is a great inspiration to me. I refer to her on our pastoral resumes as a "Second To None People Person". You will enjoy hearing from her on this blog site and on our new website!
God Bless You All,
Pastors Ron and Ruthie

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