Thursday, July 17, 2008

Fun With The Son

Today I had a great time with my seven year old son Grayson.
We went fishing and caught 5 Perch and 2 Catfish. Grayson caught the biggest fish. He was so surprised that when he jerked he had a catfish on his line. We should never quit expecting things. As a christian, our life should be full of expectation. If we have not it might be because we ask not or expect not. Jesus said "ask and ye shall receive".


nadineturner said...

Wow can't belive he's aready 7, did he clean the fish or you!!lol
Glad you got your little man to hang out with ya.Our grandson turned 1 yesterday, he's our little miracle!!So where's your church! Tell us about it!

Pastors Ronnie and Ruth Schlinker said...

We are not actually pastoring at this time. We served for a while as associate pastors at Grace Church in Booneville. However, we turned in our resignation after the Cargill plant where I worked burned in March. We are planning on moving wherever an oppportunity opens up for us either as pastors or if I can get a school teaching job. Ruthie is currently working on her degree in Christian Care and Counseling at ORU through the School of Lifelong Learning. We are just praying for the Lord's direction right now but are trying to stay busy doing his work. Congratulations on your grandson. We have a grandaughter named Rayne. She's a doll! I'll have to put her picture on here so everyone can see.

Cindy Loven said...

sounds like a good time...I cant believe Grayson is 7 already guys need to come visit...

nadineturner said...

Granny and Gramps I can't belive it! Did you tell that wildchild you guys were to young to be grandparents- how old is she-yes show us pics ! I do think that new photo made your hair look kinda thin,lol!! Maybe it was the reflection of your wife's beautiful Rookie is gonna love it when I tell him your trying to get a hair-do like his. haha
I'm so glad you replied back he kept asking me if ya'll had a church- we've tried 3 since we moved to Mulberry none of them please him-he had learned to play the steele and had been for probably about 5 years then got so disgusted with the last 2 churches we went to he sold both of his steele guitars and everything he had to go with them , that was 2 years ago, we've visited 3 different ones down here but he showed no interest.Well keep the pictures coming and you can blog alittle more often-even if it's just me and Cindy, we'll keep ya'll company until ya get popular!lol-will ya'll remember us then....
We love you guys............Nadine

Pastors Ronnie and Ruth Schlinker said...

Hey, this is Ruth. I don't get to check in as often as Ron. One of us has to work!!!HeHe...Seriously, we are going to try to get our website going in the next couple of weeks. We will have a link on there to this blog, so maybe more people will get to see it then.

We are going to try to get more pictures for everyone to see. Our kids have grown up so fast, Hannah is 21, Sydnei is 19, Emilee is 17, Katie is 14, and Grayson is 7. Hannah and Synei are both married. Hannah has a daughter, Rayne, and Sydnei just had a miscarriage. They are going to wait until December to try again, but they want children. Emilee graduates this year. She is going to go to college at ORU. Katie is a Freshman, so that gives us time to get Emilee finished before Katie starts. Katie says she wants to go to Duke. I told her she had better score a 36 on her ACT so she can get scholarships that will pay for it or we will be in debt until we're 100!!! At our age, we are finding out just how important a good education is, so we want them to do well in that area.

nadineturner said...

OMG-Rookie and I were just sitting on the front porch and I was catchin him up on the last few time we've chated and we were trying to figure uot how old the girls were-I can't belive Hannah is 21-they should still be little girls-God I feel old-Rookie said I was RUDE (about the hair) he takes those things personal!haha Tell Ronnie I'm sorry !So sorry to hear about Sydnie -how far was she-how is she taking it? Do her and Hannah live close to you-have you got to spoil your grandbaby yet-how old is she-it don't take long to spoil them- well is Grayson still preachin?