Sunday, August 17, 2008

Prayer Requests

I have several prayer requests, so I thought I would dedicate this post to that purpose.
1. Pray for my wife Ruth Ann for total healing in her left knee. She has a Baker's Cyst and an extensive amount of calcium deposited in the miniscus area of the knee.
2. Neal Schlinker. He undergoes surgery to remove his gall bladder tomorrow. He is our nephew and is 28 years old.
3. Sherry Hughes. She has been diagnosed to be in stage 4 of cancer. She is one of our long time friends (and my brother Johnny's sister-in-law).
4. Judy Schlinker. She will undergo some heart tests in September. She is our sister-in-law and (my brother Terry's wife and Neal's Mother).
5. All the school kids. Most schools start tomorrow. Pray for their safety and success.
6.Sydnei and Hannah. Our two oldest daughters who need the Lord.
7. Johnny St. Cin. His heart only functions at about 33%. He is my father-in-law.
8. Me and Ruth Ann. We need a pastorate position or I need to find a a school teaching position!!! I have almost 30 years of experience as a minister but am also certified to teach Middle School subjects, but so far ( since my place of employment burned in March) we have not been able to find a pastorate and I have not been able to land a teaching contract. I know God has something in the plans!!!
Thanks for your prayers.
God Bless you.
P.S. Please vote on my poll to the right, regarding reasons for lack of church growth, while you are here.


Anonymous said...

Would ya'll please also pray for Rookie's older brother, he has just started raditation and chemo, he has cancer in his lungs and the bones in his right arm, with 8 weeks of treatment the doctors say he might have 2 years, His name is Jimmy Turner, Thanks. Nadine

Pastors Ronnie and Ruth Schlinker said...

We will sure pray for Jimmy. The Lord does miracles if we just believe. My brother Terry had been told that he had 70% blockage in the carotid artery in his neck, but when he had another test run he had 0% blockage after prayer.