Friday, August 8, 2008

Is Your House Ready For Jesus?

Guess what? Jesus is coming soon. Is your household saved? One of the worst tortures of hell will be the active memory; relatives remembering their family that went to heaven to be forever separated from them. It is a very sobering thought. It helps you to realize that you can never pray too much and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you can never say too much that might somehow or some way contribute to the salvation of a lost member of the household. In reference to angels, the writer of Hebrews said in chapter 1 verse 14, Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? We need to pray more fervently than ever for a fresh squadron of angels to be deployed to gather in our children and loved ones so that we can all go to heaven together. What a thought that after, say a million years of continuous praise and worship in heaven, we can join hands as families and stroll over heaven together without anyone missing!!!!!!! Praise the Lord and pass the prayer cloth.

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